Sunday, January 8, 2012

His Courage

C. S. Lewis said (through the mouth of Screwtape), “Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point” (Screwtape Letters, letter #29).

That makes Jesus the most courageous man who ever lived. His virtues were tested beyond our imagination. If a good man resists longer and his temptation is consequently more severe, Christ’s impeccable character meant His testing was off the charts.

And He walked into it all with His eyes open. He knew the terrible suffering and fearsome challenges He would face in the Incarnation, but He chose to go ahead. He knew that He would have to deal with the laying aside of His privileges (Phil. 2:6f), but He elected to go forward. The eternal God submitted Himself to time—to growth, aging, and even death. Jesus the Brave!

The Lord expected the ostracism, misunderstanding, and hatred of His own creatures, but He chose it nonetheless. He had enjoyed, from eternity, the intimate fellowship of the Trinity, and for eons had been surrounded by the praise of His angels. He left this to be cursed, rejected and spat upon by men He created. How courageous, my King.

Jesus is my hero.