Monday, April 29, 2013

Why God Keeps Forgiving Me

Why does God keep forgiving me?

I’ve been a Christian a long time, and I’m more grateful for His forgiveness than when I first became a believer. I’m sure it’s because I’m more disgusted by my sin, more in love with Jesus, and more attracted to holiness.

But why does God keep forgiving me of my sins? After all, they tend to be the same ones I've been struggling with all my life. So why?

Here are some reasons I thought of:
  1. I am really, really sorry for my sins. 
  2. I promise Him I’ll try harder next time. 
  3. He sees that I’ve made progress in my fight against sin.
Honestly, sometimes I feel that these are all factors in God’s constant willingness to forgive and cleanse me of the same sins. But actually the reason He keeps forgiving me is not because of anything in me at all.

His forgiveness is always based on His own free grace. My sins were paid for, not by my contrition or attempts to improve, but by Christ’s substitutionary death. His payment for me included even the sins that are yet in my future. His life, death, and resurrection are infinitely valuable and eternally effective.

That doesn't mean my contrition, determination to try harder, or actual progress are insignificant. But they are not reasons for God's forgiveness, but evidence of that forgiveness. 

As A.W. Pink put it, "It is not the absence of sin, but the grieving over it which distinguishes the child of God from empty professors" (Studies in the Scriptures, 1932-33, p. 161).

Thanks be to Jesus alone, who secured my forgiveness past, present, and future, and doesn't give up on me when I fail. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

(Another post on the same subject: How Many Times Will God Forgive Me?)