Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Safe Passage Through the Storm

Jesus’ calming the sea is one of my favorite stories. I’ve written about aspects of it before: Storm at Sea, and Rescue Mission.

But I was reading it again in Luke 8, and I found more to admire about the Savior.

I don't blame the disciples for being terrified when the storm raged around them. But the truth is, they were as safe and secure as if they had already arrived.

Why? Because Jesus told them, Let us go across to the other side (Luke 8:22). When Christ determines a destination, He assures safe passage and certain arrival.

Jesus didn’t say, “Hold on and pray hard—a storm’s coming! Let's hope we make it.” He was so confident they would make it that He took a nap! …as they sailed he fell asleep (v. 23). 

Of course the disciples’ growing panic got worse when the Lord fell asleep. He seemed to be ignoring--or unaware of--the danger they were in. “Master, Master, we are perishing!” they cried. And after all, who sleeps during a storm? Answer: Somebody who is at peace within Himself and completely unafraid of the harshest forces of nature.

Sometimes, in the middle of the storm, it feels like the Lord is asleep, unconcerned about our circumstances. But despite appearances or feelings, He is completely in control and absolutely committed to His good plan for His children.

 The disciples were safe because they were in Jesus' boat, traveling toward His destination. Imagine any other ship on the Sea of Galilee that day. Surely the vessel would have been destroyed and all aboard would have drowned.

Make no mistake—it was not their faith that won the day. In fact, after they fearfully awoke Him, after He calmly calmed the storm, He challenged them to greater trust in Him. And he awoke and rebuked the wind and the raging waves, and they ceased, and there was a calm. He said to them, “Where is your faith?” (vv. 24-25).

What is on display in this passage is Christ’s total control over circumstances, storms, physical laws, and the safety and well-being of His people. As His disciples said in wonder, “Who then is this, that he commands even winds and water, and they obey him?” (v. 25)

It doesn't work when we launch out on our own, and then ask Him to bail us out after the fact. But when we travel with Christ, even though the destination seems remote and the route perilous, our Lord will get us safely Home.