The other night I had a disturbing dream in which one of my children was experiencing a devastating trial. I was powerless to help. It grieved me so much that, in the dream, I was shaking and unable to stand.
I woke at 1 a.m., confused and upset, in that state when you’re not quite awake and still under the sway of the nightmare.
I lay there, heart pounding, and tried to tell myself the dream wasn’t real. As I began to pray, a wonderful thought entered my mind. “But they have a Shepherd.” I whispered it over and over. Tears of joy began to flow. They have a Shepherd, a Good Shepherd. And even when nightmares are real, our wonderful Savior is there for us.
I thought of Peter, and the humbling thing the Lord Jesus told him right before His arrest.
“Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” Luke 22:31, 32
Jesus told Peter that Satan wanted to sift him. Actually the “you” is plural. Satan wants to sift all the disciples, including you and me. So how did Peter make it? Jesus even lets Peter know that he will stumble badly, but will “turn again.” Why?
The reason Peter turned back again, kept faithful, made it through to the end, was not because of his inner strength. It was because He had a Shepherd who prayed for Him.
What wonderful words from our Savior: “but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail.” This time the word “you” is singular. “I have prayed for you, Peter.” And for you, Jim. You, Karen. You, Ted, and Jose, and Maria. If the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective (James 5:16, NASB), what about the prayer of the MOST righteous Man who has ever lived?
· Who regulates the heat of our trials so they will purify and not destroy our faith?
· Who stands guard to blunt the assault of the enemy so that his mischief becomes a tool for our growth and not our permanent ruin?
· Who keeps watch all through the night?
· Who gives us faith to persevere when we would have given up?
· Who comes near to comfort us with His word when we wake from a terrible dream in the middle of the night?
· Who provides a way of escape when temptation looms to entrap us?
· Who settles us in peace when the turmoil that swirls around us might otherwise drive us mad?
· Who bore the lash and the nails and the spear instead of us?
· Who carries us in His arms through the flood and the flames, safe to the other side?
· Who forgives us seventy-times-seven when we stumble again into sin?
· Who walked ahead of us through the valley of the shadow of death to blaze a trail through that dark place we all must travel?
· Who prepares a place for us and will come again to take us to that place?
· Who foils the enemy’s charges against us by His own presence before the Father (Romans 8:34)?
· Who saves us to the uttermost, because He ever lives to make intercession for us (Hebrews 7:25)?
· Who prays for us, that our faith may not fail?
Our Shepherd.
Our Jesus. Our King and Savior and Redeemer and Friend. O how we admire Him and love Him and depend upon Him. Whether in the middle of the night, waking from a terrible dream, or on a sunny day when life is calm. He’s the one we look to and depend upon, who will never give up on us or let us down.