Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Freed From A Curse

In fairy tales, evil witches put people under a curse. Think Sleeping Beauty or Snow White. But the Bible speaks plainly of a curse that cannot be undone by Prince Charming. 

Here’s the text in the Epistle to the Galatians: even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed (v. 8). And in the very next verse he said it again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed (v. 9, emphasis added)

The Greek word “accursed” is anathema - delivered over to divine wrath. Anyone who distorts the gospel of Christ is under a curse. From whom? From Almighty God.

Sounds a little harsh, doesn’t it?

But maybe an illustration would help.

In 2004 13 babies died of malnutrition in a city in Eastern China. They were all fed a baby formula that had been deliberately watered down. Authorities in China reported that the wholesalers who faked the baby formula were prosecuted and severely punished.

But four years later 16 babies in the Gansu Province of China were diagnosed with kidney stones. Investigators found that all of the infants were fed a baby formula that was protein deficient. The company producing the formula added a chemical that gave false readings on the protein testing.

Eventually six infants died, 54,000 babies were hospitalized, and 300,000 people world-wide were victimized by the doctored baby formula. At least 11 countries around the world stopped importing Chinese dairy products.

Criminal prosecutions by the Chinese government resulted in the execution of two people, a suspended death penalty for another. Three received life in prison, and two were given 15-year jail terms. A number of government officials were fired.

Can we possibly imagine the outrage and pain of parents whose babies died or became gravely ill? What was intended to nourish, to give life, became the instrument of suffering and death at the hands of evil men.

The message of God's grace is that He freely forgives based solely upon the merits of Jesus' death. Plus nothing. No one can earn God's favor or contribute to the sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice.

The Bible says this message of free grace, of Jesus plus nothing, is the sinner's only hope. Imagine the outrage of God toward anyone who would deliberately dilute or distort, pollute or poison, this life-giving message. Anyone who does this is anathema.

So is there any way to be freed from this terrible curse? Of course - the same way anyone is freed. At the cross. Say yes to Jesus plus nothing. So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36