Monday, June 30, 2014

A Prayer for the Difficult Person in Your Life

All of us have people in our lives who challenge our civility, who make life harder for us, who rub us the wrong way, who push our buttons. And sometimes, more often than we would like to admit, we are the problem. Or at least we bear responsibility for a lot of it.

God’s word says "If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all" (Romans 12:18). Evidently it is not always possible, but we should try.

The Bible gives us guidelines about confronting when we think we've been wronged (Matthew 18:15-17), and speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4: 15). It tells us to confess our own sins (James 5:16) and forgive one another (Colossians 3:13). 

So this prayer is not a substitute for any of that.

But years ago I wrote out a fairly lengthy prayer that I have prayed many times when I've had a "difficult person" in my life. I've found that praying for someone softens my heart toward them, and is part of God's plan to humble me and possibly (but not always) to heal the relationship.

This is a prayer specifically when the difficult person is (or claims to be) a member of the Christian family.

Maybe it will be helpful to you. 


I lift up my brother/sister _________________ to You.

May he/she begin to experience Your grace and mercy in new ways, and may they see again the beauty and wonder of Jesus in their life.

Please cast down anything that would stand in the way of _________________ knowing You in greater fullness. Whether it might be sin or fear or disappointment or compulsion or heartache or old wounds, please free them to experience Your love again. May the Spirit of God blow through their life once more. 

I plead the precious blood of Jesus over _________________ , and claim His mighty Name over them. Please stop the accuser (the liar and enemy of our souls) from any mischief he has been inflicting.

Protect _________________ from hurting others by his/her actions or attitudes or words. May he/she become sweet and loving and kind, like Jesus. May the fruit of Your Spirit grow and mature in them.
Save _________________  from the full consequences of his/her past choices, and instead draw him/her into a new path of freedom in Christ and love for others. Grant him/her your gracious gifts of brokenness, repentance, and humility. Show _________________ his/her own need for You, for Your grace, mercy, and forgiveness. May he/she be moved to worship You.

Touch _________________’s  heart and mind and will, for Christ's sake. Show him/her how to forgive those in his/her present or past who may brought offense or pain. Help him/her forgive me for anything I have done to contribute to our problems. 

Grant me a tender heart toward _________________. May he/she experience Your love in me, in the way I speak and act and respond to them. Protect me from bitterness, defensiveness, anger, or desire for revenge. Grant me humility and a Christ-like spirit toward them. Reveal to me how I have injured or offended, and enable me to seek forgiveness.

Please bless my brother/sister, and draw them closer and closer to You. May their life become a sweet fragrance to You.

In Jesus’ Name, 
