Sunday, January 5, 2014

Harry Potter?

Nearly all of the over 260 posts on this blog have been my attempt to focus on spiritual things, and especially to "admire Christ." That remains my reason for writing.

But once in a while I am hit with a bit of whimsey. So let me apologize, in advance, for this post.

The other day I was looking over the cable channel menu and it occurred to me that there is always a Harry Potter movie on somewhere. I’ve not read any of the books, but did catch some of the movies. Whatever else you might say, they have interesting titles - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, etc.

All of a sudden my brain created some new Harry Potter volumes.

Harry Potter and the Suppurating Sore

Harry Potter and the Monstrous Ego

Harry Potter and the Empty Chamber of Geraldo

Harry Potter and the Fiery Bean-dip

Harry Potter and the Half-Soused Raja

Harry Potter and the Psychedelic Sphincter

If you have J. K. Rowling's contact info, feel free to forward this.