He eased the old
pickup into the driveway, the tires scrunching to a halt on the gravel.
Switching off the ignition he just sat for a moment, his body still feeling the
vibration of the rutted road that led from the lumberyard in town seven miles
up the hill to his farm.
He rolled up the
window, pulled the door handle and swung his legs out to the driveway. The
summer breeze felt almost cold against his back where he had sweated through
his shirt. He shoved the door shut and leaned against the truck. Removing his
battered straw hat, he mopped his brow with his sleeve. His thinning hair, damp from the day's work, was molded to his head, and his gold-rimmed glasses were flecked with sawdust and dried sweat.
Working at the
sawmill hadn’t been his first choice. A lot about the last few years hadn’t
turned out the way he had hoped.
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Friday, September 21, 2018
Dad and the Murdered Calf

Sunday, August 26, 2018
Three Habits to Prevent "Out of Sight, Out of Mind"
You’re familiar with the phrase, “out of sight, out of
mind,” right? It summarizes a danger we all face - if friends moves away, will
we just forget them? That does happen.
Or what about the challenges military families experience during deployments? If a spouse is going to be gone for three months, or six months, or longer, how do the families at home keep those deployed close to their hearts when they’re not present physically? Marriages have been wrecked when out of sight led to out of mind.
But the statement “out of sight, out of mind,” is not an inevitability, but only a danger. I have a dear friend I’ve known for over 40 years. In the last 20 years, he’s been “in sight” exactly three times, for only a week at a time. But we work hard to stay “in mind” through weekly phone calls and even more frequent emails and texts.
Or what about the challenges military families experience during deployments? If a spouse is going to be gone for three months, or six months, or longer, how do the families at home keep those deployed close to their hearts when they’re not present physically? Marriages have been wrecked when out of sight led to out of mind.
But the statement “out of sight, out of mind,” is not an inevitability, but only a danger. I have a dear friend I’ve known for over 40 years. In the last 20 years, he’s been “in sight” exactly three times, for only a week at a time. But we work hard to stay “in mind” through weekly phone calls and even more frequent emails and texts.
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Impatience and a 40 MPH Speed Limit
I guess you’d say I’m an impatient person. Sometimes I yell
at the microwave: Come on! One minute –
are you KIDDING me!
I realize this is not one of my finer qualities. I like to excuse myself by saying, well, I just want to get things done. I don’t have time to dawdle. (How annoying is that, with the undercurrent of ugly pride? Okay, you got me.)
Anyhow I’m trying. I know patience is not only a virtue but a fruit of the Holy Spirit’s ministry in me. Although some of the spiritual fruit seem to be developing awfully slowly. (Come ON! Oh, oops…)
I realize this is not one of my finer qualities. I like to excuse myself by saying, well, I just want to get things done. I don’t have time to dawdle. (How annoying is that, with the undercurrent of ugly pride? Okay, you got me.)
Anyhow I’m trying. I know patience is not only a virtue but a fruit of the Holy Spirit’s ministry in me. Although some of the spiritual fruit seem to be developing awfully slowly. (Come ON! Oh, oops…)
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
A New Book
I'm happy to announce I have a new book out - Leaning into the Wind - a collection of stories about Jesus and about family, with some humor and a little fiction mixed in.
From the back of the book:
From a birthday paragliding adventure to a meditation on the death of a beloved pet, Leaning into the Wind reflects on the grace of God through all the seasons of life. Steeped in the love of family and a deep reverence for the sovereignty of God, Jim Carpenter tells stories about God's grace shining through our brokenness and pain.
You will find a laugh or two (Exploding Dog Food, My First Colonoscopy), some inspiring stories about the greatness of Jesus (Miracles Before Time Began, How God Healed My Son), and some overall encouragement for your own journey of faith (Don't Pull the Wagon Over Yet, Thanking Yourself Out of a Bad Mood).
Hope you like it. You can find it on Amazon. (Just paperback for now, but Kindle's coming.)
From the back of the book:
From a birthday paragliding adventure to a meditation on the death of a beloved pet, Leaning into the Wind reflects on the grace of God through all the seasons of life. Steeped in the love of family and a deep reverence for the sovereignty of God, Jim Carpenter tells stories about God's grace shining through our brokenness and pain.
You will find a laugh or two (Exploding Dog Food, My First Colonoscopy), some inspiring stories about the greatness of Jesus (Miracles Before Time Began, How God Healed My Son), and some overall encouragement for your own journey of faith (Don't Pull the Wagon Over Yet, Thanking Yourself Out of a Bad Mood).
Hope you like it. You can find it on Amazon. (Just paperback for now, but Kindle's coming.)
Monday, July 30, 2018
Don’t Spike the Ball before You Reach the End Zone: A Reflection on Finishing Well

I want to learn from those whose early success was marred (or erased) by a later implosion of professional or personal failure.
finishing well,
King Asa,
Sunday, July 15, 2018
Another Reason to Look Forward to Heaven
main reason to look forward to heaven is the presence of Christ. When Jesus prayed for "His sheep," He emphasized that the highest blessing the Father could bestow on them is to bring them into His glorious presence forever: “Father,
I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to
see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation
of the world” (John 17:24).
Anyone who truly loves Christ needs no other motivation to long for heaven. Like the Psalmist said, “Whom have I in
heaven but you?” (Psalm 73:25a)
Yet there are other reasons to look forward to heaven.
Friday, July 13, 2018
No Bias in Agent Smirk. His Heart is Pure!
This week
I listened to the testimony of an FBI agent before a Senate Committee. I bet you know
who I’m talking about. Rather than use his actual name (which temptingly rhymes
with words I shouldn’t use), I’ll call him Peter Smirk.
Mr. Smirk’s bias
for Hillary Clinton and against Donald Trump was on clear display in text
messages he shared with his mistress, another FBI agent. When faced with the
evidence, he - unbelievably - defended himself by proclaiming that he is an
incredible patriot and would never, ever act out of bias.
FBI corruption,
Sunday, July 8, 2018
Is Extravagant Worship Simply Wasteful?
Many years ago I saw a documentary about volcanoes. There were plenty of shots of glowing lava moving moltenly and inexorably down the face of the mountain. But the image that has stayed with me was of a very wealthy businessman (I know he was very wealthy because that’s what the narrator said) hurling his super-expensive wrist watch into the lava. The watch thrower, the narrator further explained, did it as an act of worship to honor the god of the volcano.
(By the way, remember the “Deep Thoughts” of Jack Handey from early SNL: If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let 'em go, because man, they're gone. So don’t have second thoughts about your Rolex™.)
(By the way, remember the “Deep Thoughts” of Jack Handey from early SNL: If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let 'em go, because man, they're gone. So don’t have second thoughts about your Rolex™.)
nard ointment,
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Why God is Happy
God is happy.
The Bible gives us ample reason to rejoice that our
God is happy. For example, when Nehemiah encouraged the people of Israel, he
reminded them that “the joy of the Lord” was their strength (Nehemiah 8:10).
When Jesus told the Parable of the Talents, the faithful
servant heard this judgment from the master: Well done, good and faithful
servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master (Matthew
25:23, my emphasis). The master's joy!
Monday, April 23, 2018
One of the best questions I’ve ever
heard was asked by a father ashamed of his sons.
The father was the Old Testament judge
Eli, and he was ashamed because his two grown sons were corrupt and ungodly men
who misused their privilege as priests for their own gain and carnal pleasure.
So Eli asked them this question:
“If someone sins against a man, God will
mediate for him, but if someone sins
against the Lord, who can intercede for him?” (1 Samuel 2:25a, my emphasis)
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Where are You?
My wife
is a weaver, and some of her woven wall hangings tell a story. One of my
favorites is called “Where are You?” A lonely girl sits at the darkened mouth
of a cave. The rough rock around her seems harsh and foreboding. Miserable and
hopeless, she cries out: “Where are You?”
when you step back do you see that the rock of the cave is formed by two
gigantic hands cradling her. The hands have nail marks in them.

first verses of Hebrews 1 describe Christ in ways we would not know apart from
God’s own revelation. So far we have looked at four of seven wonderful
descriptions: Christ is Heir of All Things, the Creator, the Radiance of God’sglory, and fully God.
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Just a Janitor?
In the late 1970’s Bill Crawford was
a janitor at the U.S. Air Force Academy.* While the cadets’ days were filled
with academics and athletics, morning parades, room inspections, and leadership
classes, Bill Crawford was cleaning toilets, buffing floors, and emptying trash
He was
shy and unassuming , a gray-haired older man who looked like somebody’s
grandfather. No wonder the cadets didn't take much notice.
But then one
afternoon one of the cadets was reading a book about World War II, and the
Allied ground campaign in Italy. It told the story of a Private William
Crawford, assigned to the 36th Infantry Division, who had been
involved in some bloody fighting in Italy. Private Crawford had, on his own,
taken out three machine gun nests to prepare the way for the advance of his
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Staring Directly at the Sun
On August 21, 2017, the
moon passed between the earth and the sun – and so blocked it from view in the
United States. This is called a total solar eclipse, and it was a pretty big
deal last year. We were warned over and over again not to look directly at the
sun. Though it was darkened, it could still seriously harm unprotected eyes. Use
special glasses or look via reflection.
Looking directly at the sun
(darkened or not) is dangerous. That seems an apt picture of the danger sinful people
face in the presence of holy God. When the Lord appeared to Israel on Mt.
Sinai, His presence was so terrifying that they did not want to hear His voice, did not want to have Him come any closer. They begged Moses to represent them while they stayed safely at the foot of the mountain (see
Exodus 19:18-19). Here’s one description of God’s presence: the
appearance of the glory of the Lord was like a devouring fire on the top of the
mountain (Exodus 24:17).
Monday, February 12, 2018
Maker of the Redwoods

Being in an old growth redwood forest is like being in a cathedral. You are humbled by the scale of these trees – both their height and their age. They tower 200 feet above you, and some of them are over 2000 years old.
Monday, February 5, 2018
Heir of All Things!
If we say, Frank owned
him in that debate, we mean not only that Frank won and the other guy lost,
but we imply that Frank dominated and the other guy was humiliated. Same with
“she owned the former champion on the
tennis court today.” The former champion didn’t just lose a close match. She
was beaten like a drum.
So to start off this reflection by saying, Christ owns us may provoke unpleasant
feelings. And of course saying you own someone
could remind people of the ugliness of human slavery.With those disclaimers aside, it is still true: you and I
belong to Jesus even if we don’t follow Him. He owns us. And for that matter He owns all of creation.
Sunday, January 28, 2018
What Would God Like to Talk About?

neighborhood. We often use the time to debrief about our day. She’ll say, what do you want to talk about? So I’ll tell her about my day, a book I’m reading, questions I’m mulling over, or whatever. Then it will be her turn: now what would you like to talk about? And she’ll use the return trip to tell me about her day, a visit we’re planning to see grandkids, her upcoming Bible study, or whatever.
Imagine if you could take a walk with God, and He said, what would you like to talk about? You might bring up personal issues, questions you’ve always wanted to ask Him, and requests for His help. Then it would be His turn. You would say, Lord, what would You like to talk about? I wonder what He would say.
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