you probably know, Bailey, played by Jimmy Stewart, is a family man who has
given up his own dreams for others. At Christmastime a lot of things go wrong
for him and his family, and he reaches a point of despair when he wishes he had
never been born.
Sunday, December 25, 2016
What if Christ Had Never Been Born
night my wife and I watched “It’s a Wonderful Life,” the 1946 Frank Capra film.
For a lot of families including ours it’s become a Christmas tradition to
revisit the story of George Bailey, his guardian angel Clarence, and his
hometown of Bedford Falls.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Digital Photography and the Resurrection
My photographer friend
Camden Bennett took some pictures of my wife and me a few weeks ago. Then he
uploaded them to his website and gave us access to them via a password. Pretty
So I downloaded the
pictures to my laptop, and decided to make some prints at everyone’s fine arts
center, Costco. They went from my computer to the Costco photo center website,
where I selected the size prints I wanted, and placed my order. We picked up
the prints about 2 hours later.
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Alone on the Mountain - An Amazing Story of Courage and Survival
In March of 1943
twelve Norwegian commandos set sail in a fishing vessel from the Shetland
Islands north of Great Britain for the northern coast of Nazi-occupied Norway.
Their mission was to organize the Norwegian resistance and to sabotage an
the commandos were betrayed almost as soon as they arrived. A German warship
intercepted them, and they abandoned ship, transferring to a small dinghy while
detonating their ship’s eight tons of explosive cargo. Soon the dinghy was
riddled with machine gun fire, and they dived into the icy waters to try to
swim 70 yards to shore. All but one of the men were killed or captured. Later
it was learned that the captured men were tortured and executed.
World War II
Sunday, June 26, 2016
What Clint Eastwood Taught Me About Getting Older - And About Living the Christian Life

is more than the iconic Dirty Harry, of course. He is a producer, Oscar winning
director, musician, and businessman. At 86 he is weathered and lined, but certainly
not at all a frail old man. He could still whisper ominously, "Go ahead,
make my day!” and be believable. Especially accompanied by his old friends,
Smith and Wesson.
how does he continue to engage life at such a high level? When asked that
question, Eastwood tells a story about a friend of his who was, at the time, 95 years of age and going strong. Clint asked him his secret, and his friend said,“I never let the old man in.”
Clint that means banishing the idea that “your life is finished, you’re too
old, all you’ve got is nostalgia.” So he keeps producing and directing movies, and writing music. Living life.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
God in Camouflage
Ruth you experience the invisible hand of God orchestrating events and
circumstances, arranging everything to achieve His purposes. But He is God in
camouflage. He does not usually reveal
Himself, and what we see are secondary causes: people’s choices, famine, the
weather. It is only in the big picture that you know He was behind it all.
Monday, June 6, 2016
The Greatest – Reflections on Muhammad Ali and My Dad
I’ve been thinking about my dad lately.
Maybe because Father’s Day is coming up, but to tell the truth he is never far
from my thoughts. And at the same time the death of Muhammad Ali has been all
over the news.
Both men were boxers. Everybody knows
Ali was an incredible athlete, Olympic gold medal winner, three-time
heavyweight champ. But of course his influence transcended
boxing. He seemed larger than life.
My dad fought
Golden Gloves as a young man. I don’t know how many boxing matches he won
because, like many men of his generation, he was reluctant to place himself in
the spotlight. But as a little kid I prevailed upon him to give me details of
some of his exploits.
Muhammad Ali
Friday, May 6, 2016
Donald Trump's Favorite Bible Verses
you probably known, the presumptive Republican nominee for President is a
tremendous Bible reader. “Nobody reads the Bible more than me,” he told Pat Robertson last February. This is one of the reasons, no doubt, that so many
evangelicals have supported Mr. Trump: his tremendous love for God’s word.
Mr. Trump has declined to mention his favorite Bible verses because “that’s very personal,” and everybody knows that Mr. Trump is a private person and
doesn’t like to share anything that’s personal. (For example, his modest comments about his "hand size.")
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Ruth and the Big Picture
book of Ruth has been described as the most beautiful short story ever written.
And while it’s short, less than 2500 words in English, its beauty is obvious in
multiple ways. It is a story of family, it’s a love story, and more than
anything, Ruth reveals the invisible hand of a sovereign God who works
His will in the seemingly random events of people’s lives.
of the great values of God’s word in general, and of a book like Ruth in
particular, is that is enables us to see the “Big Picture” – how the Lord does
in fact work all things together for good for those who love Him.
cannot see The Big Picture in our own lives. We operate from day to day, a step
at a time. If our recent days have been hard, full of toil or heartache or
grief, it’s very difficult to convince ourselves that tomorrow will be any
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Sobering Lessons from Meriwether Lewis and the Lewis and Clark Expedition of Discovery
I just
finished Stephen E. Ambrose’s Undaunted
Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American
I don’t
believe I’ve read anything about the Louisiana Purchase or the Lewis and Clark
expedition since grade school. (Which of course was only a couple years after
Lewis and Clark returned from their trip.)
Anyhow, I
was amazed by the sheer heroism of this expedition, undertaken because of
Thomas Jefferson’s vision to find an overland route to the Pacific Ocean.
Lewis was a Renaissance man. Son and step-son of military men, he was an Army
officer personally selected by Thomas Jefferson as his own right-hand man.
Lewis was like a son to the President.
Monday, March 7, 2016
What I’m Going to Miss About Downton Abbey
night my wife and I watched the final episode of Downton Abbey. Until the British
drama aired here in America in 2011, I wouldn’t have thought of myself as an
Anglophile or a fan of period pieces celebrating an “upstairs – downstairs” way
of life.
after the first couple episodes, Dionne and I were both hooked. And watching
the final episode last night was a little like saying goodbye to a good friend
you know you’ll never see again.
I’ve been thinking about what I’m going to miss.
Sunday, February 14, 2016
A Valentine’s Day Challenge for Husbands
One day at the end of his days, the man
passed through the valley of the shadow of death and entered into the joy of heaven.
He stood immediately in the presence of the One he loved the most.
Child. I’ve been waiting for you. Thank You so
much, Lord. I’m so grateful You died for me and brought me all the way home.
have all eternity together, Christ said with a radiant smile. And now, my son, I
need to talk to you about your stewardship. Yes, Lord, I think I’m
entrusted you with intelligence and creativity, and I gave you a good way with
people. Yes, Lord, I
know those gifts were from You. I used them to get a good education and to build
a successful business. The product we made helped a lot of people, and our
company employed over 100 folks. I paid them fairly and they all said they
liked working for me.
And I
know you maintained an unashamed witness of Me at work. Well done, good and
faithful servant. Thank You, Lord.
thing. My blessings on your business made you a wealthy man. Yes, Lord, all because of you. And You
know from the beginning I gave generously and sacrificially to my local church,
to missions, and I set up a private foundation to help people. And the family business
will make it possible for all my grandchildren to get a good education.
Well done, good and faithful servant. Thanks,
I sent you a large circle of friends over the years. Yes,
thank You. I was never a great evangelist, but I let every one of them know
about You, and some of them even believed in the gospel. Well done, good and faithful servant. Thank
You, Lord
Now I want to talk to you about the most important gift I
gave you, your wife. Okay.
We were married a long time, and she was a real blessing to me.
know she was, Child. Were you a blessing to her? I think I
you aware that she was lonely after the kids moved out? Really? She
seemed fine to me.
you pray for her?
Sure. When?
You know, Lord – mainly on the way to work I guess.
you know she wanted the two of you to serve for a summer on the mission field
after you retired? I remember her saying something about that.
you didn’t encourage her or even consider it. No, I thought
we should take to take a cruise that summer.”
ready do you think she is to meet Me? Well, I’ve always thought of her as a
strong Christian – stronger than me. Really? So did you ever think about her soul? Lord, that’s pretty much your department,
isn’t it?
you know that she wanted to go back to school and get a Bible college degree? Yeah, but she was too old for that. Really.
So you remember how I said, love her like I love you.
Right. And nourish
and cherish her. Right.
know she was My gift to you, and I made you two one flesh. Right.
So what went wrong?
Monday, January 4, 2016
Does Purgatory Make God's Judgment More Fair?
On New Year’s Eve I
was listening to a radio talk show host, and the discussion turned to the
difference between Protestantism and Roman Catholicism. The host’s guest, a
college president, observed that the Catholic doctrine of purgatory had the
advantage of being “more fair.”
His example: think
of Ted Bundy, a serial killer, and let’s say he had a death-bed conversion to Christ. He
goes to heaven. And then consider a person who lives a good life, but never
believes in Jesus. He goes to hell. At least in purgatory
Bundy would have to suffer a while before going to heaven.
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