Friday, April 4, 2014

Freedom from Anxiety

Last week I spoke at our church on having victory over anxiety. (If you were so inclined, you could listen to it here).

Like most people, I have had my own battle with worry. And probably my list of concerns is similar to yours: health issues, finances, my family, marriage, children and grandchildren, friends, work, the future.  

What I have found over and over again is that the best thing I can do to “win over worry” is to come to my Savior. There is no one better, wiser, kinder, or more able to help than Jesus. He may not always respond in the way I want Him to. But trusting Him and laying my life before Him, giving my burdens to Him to do with as He sees fit, has always been the path to peace.

I love the invitation Jesus gives to take up His yoke in Matthew 11:28-30. Sunday I read a paraphrase with the topic of worry in mind.

Come to Me, all of you who are struggling with worry, and are heavy laden with anxiety and fear. Come to Me, and I will give you rest from the turmoil, and peace from the fear. Instead, take My yoke upon You and learn from Me. It will be My job to lead you and to provide, and your job to follow and to obey. And you will discover that I am gentle and lowly in heart. I know what you’re going through, I’ve walked through it Myself, and I am going to guide you through. You will find rest for your souls. This yoke of Mine, it’s easy, because it’s connecting you to Me. And this burden is light because I’m bearing all the weight.