One reaction many of us have had is to ask, “What’s so
special about me? What did I ever do
to deserve all this?”
And how do we answer those questions? What is so special about us? Many Christians are inclined to say, “Well,
I was no saint, but I must have been a little bit special for God to have saved
me. I guess I was 'a diamond in the rough.' Not much to look at, but the Lord knew my potential. He must have seen something in me to go to all that trouble.”
I sympathize with that answer, but it really is not supported by the Bible. The truth is, as Paul said plainly, For I know that nothing good dwells in me… Romans
7:18a. The Bible’s summary of your character, and mine, is devastating: we were
dead to God, subservient to Satan, driven by our appetites, and deserving only
wrath (Eph. 2:1-3).
What’s so special about me? is the wrong
question. Here’s the right question: what is so special about my Savior that He would die in the place of
someone like me, someone so undeserving?
Focusing on why you are "special" might be amusing, but it quickly bottoms out. Admiring and "wondering" about the Lord Jesus opens one vista after
another, each higher and more blessed, enough to last until the sun burns out and
all the universe is aflame with His glory.