Most of us would never expect that the President—or the
Governor, Senator, or Mayor—would concern herself or himself with our personal
problems. Right? The higher the leader, the less likely it is that he or she
will have time for individual people. No knock on the leader—it’s just the way
it is.
That’s what is so amazing about Jesus. Spend some time with
Him in the Gospels, and you find that the most important Man in history on the
most important mission under heaven still made time for broken people.
For example, remember the widow in Nain? Jesus and His
disciples arrived in the little town near Nazareth in time to meet a funeral
procession. A poor woman, already a widow, had just lost her only son. And when the Lord
saw her, he had compassion on her and said to her, “Do not
weep.” (Luke 7:13)
It seems so unlikely that God incarnate would notice anyone's tears, and if He did, even less likely He would have any concern
about them. Yet Jesus
saw this poor widow and He didn’t treat her as just another evidence of a fallen world. He cared for the woman in her grief. Her
tears mattered to Him, so much so that He raised her dead son.
Then he came up and touched the
bier, and the bearers stood still. And he said, “Young man, I
say to you, arise.” And the dead man sat up and
began to speak, and Jesus gave him to his mother (Luke
Can you doubt that Jesus cares even for you and me? The gospel record assures us of this amazing truth: When we are bummed or afraid or bone-weary or discouraged, Jesus has
compassion. The Lord of the universe is willing to exercise His infinite wisdom
and limitless power (what problem is more intractable than death?) on behalf of
people no one else would notice.
What a Savior.