Monday, December 31, 2012

What Will 2013 Bring?

Most year-end reflections list the notable people who have died in the previous twelve months. I won’t attempt such a thing. But New Year’s Eve does give me pause to think about my own frailty and mortality.

Will I be around this time next year? Will you? And what will 2013 bring?

The gospel promises us that our wonderful Christ is with us whatever the future brings. He’s there for soaring flights as well as for hard landings, in sunlight or in shadow, when friends and family come together, or when everyone’s back is turned. Christ is our deepest joy and highest hope, our Friend and Savior, our Provider and Protector. He holds time and eternity, the stars and the planets, and best of all, His sheep in His hands.

As King David said about the Good Shepherd, Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me (Psalm 23:4a).

I like the thought that my Shepherd doesn’t just wait for me on the other side, leaving me to walk a dark valley by myself. He promises to be with me, wherever He leads.

When you think about it, knowing Him is the best thing about this year, or any year. May you and I know Him better in 2013. Happy New Year.